Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Minnlawyer.blogspot.com post

Seems the readers of Minn Lawyer are taking an interest in this situation.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For those of you attending your DFL precinct caucus on Tuesday, I encourage you to propose a resolution addressing organizing by state employees, such as the following. (Apologies to my Republican colleagues, I am unfamiliar with Republican caucus resolution procedures.)

WHEREAS, the DFL Party recognizes the fundamental right of workers to organize and bargain collectively; and

WHEREAS, state employees should not be forced to compromise their obligation of serving the people of the state in the interest of serving the politics of the an elected official; and

WHEREAS, the people of the state are better served by state employees who develop expertise in their field and do not fear losing their job at any time and for any reason.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the DFL Party will honor its proud history and support the efforts of the majority of attorneys and legal assistants to organize in the Attorney General’s Office; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that anyone seeking the DFL Party’s endorsement for a state constitutional office shall be asked, immediately prior to a vote for that endorsement, whether he or she will voluntarily recognize any attempts by employees to organize in the office of the position sought.